
Programming :- I am proficient in C, Rust, Javascript, Python, Fortran, Shell, Lua and HTML/CSS. My GitHub is active and shows contributions to open-source projects. I always have some kind of coding project on the go, and also actively use TryHackMe and similar learning resources to constantly evolve and expand my skills in this area.

Software :- I am proficient using VScode, VI/VIM, Git and the rest of the Linux ecosystem, server software such as Apache2 and Caddy, image editing software likee Photoshop and GIMP, the entire Microsoft Office suite, and various digital audio software, such as Reason, Pro Logic, Ableton, and Audacity. With my inquisitive nature and technical background, learning new software comes to me easily.

Computing :- I am proficient with Microsoft Windows xp-11, MacOS and the Linux ecosystem. I use Windows and Linux daily on my personal machines and server.

System Administration :- I operate my own physical, bare-metal Linux server to host my website and provide home networking (VPN, DNS spoofing, NAS). I set this up from first principles, and maintain it by myself. I wrote the web-server myself in Rust, and also maintain that myself. This ongoing project provides skills in maintaining a secure and up-to-date system, web-serving and file and backup management, alongside many other skills required to keep a server up and running.

Electronics design and repair :- I am - and always have been - an avid tinkerer and electronics recycler. If something breaks, it gets taken apart and fixed. I'm an experienced kit-builder and solderer. Similarly, if a computer I own is being slow, I will tear it apart and upgrade it, or install a more efficient operating system to bring it back to life.

Logic, Physics & Mathematics :- I am proficient in basic and advanced mathematics, thanks in part to my Astrophysics degree. I follow current science and mathematical journals to keep my skills sharp and abreast of any discoveries or developments. Alongside my hobby of Speed Solving Rubik's cubes, I am well equipped to tackle logical and mathematical problems quickly and correctly.

Writing :- My degree, along with my work at Stone Junction producing various pieces of written and visual media for my clients, enhanced my already good English language skills. I am proficient in both technical and commercial writing. I am skilled in creating scientific papers, technical reports, technical white-papers, press releases, opinion pieces, web pages, sales-media and press releases, and I can quickly pivot to any other kind of commercial writing that is required of me.

Hobbies & Interests

Speed Cubing :- I like to solve the Rubik's Cube (and similar twisty puzzles) as fast as possible. This is an incredibly deep and complex hobby that provides and trains a vast array of life-skills, from 3D visualisation, to manual dexterity, to intensive memorisation. I average ~15 seconds for the standard 3x3 cube.

Computer gaming and modding :- I have always had an interest in computer games, and especially tearing them to bits and fiddling with them where I can. I have made multiple contributions to game mods for a variety of games over the years, such as Kerbal Space Program, Team Fortress 2 and Bethesda games such as Skyrim and Fallout.

Music production & DJing :- I have been making electronic music for years, and this has given me a deep knowledge and appreciation of all things PC audio. The minor component of my degree was in Music Technology, which covered all that in extreme detail. I am well practiced with many Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software, can pick up new ones quickly.

Photography :- I will take a picture of anything that sits still long enough. Besides the artistic angle, this hobby is a test of many different skills, from spatial and physical awareness, to the physics of how light travels through a lens, to the detailed workings of camera sensors and software. That's all besides the artistic eye that photography requires.

Mycology :- I am an amateur Mycologist. I take pictures, sort and categorise them by genus and species.. This is a fascinating and fulfilling hobby, and I base a large part of my website around this. Keeping 3000+ mushroom pictures of various resolutions organised is an ongoing system-administration puzzle I relish.

Work History

Internship at MIRA

The Monterey Institute for Research in Astrophysics, Central California, USA
Three months, Summer 2015

I was invited to attend an internship at MIRA. This fantastic opportunity gave me hands-on research experience with genuine astrophysical data,working software and advanced simulations. I also became familiar with MIRA's own privately operated telescope facility high in the California hills, with all the technical complexities found with such a remote, off-grid project.

Walter Smith Fine Foods, Bridgemere Garden Centre

Retail Butcher: August 2021 - March 2023

This role doesn't seem too relevant to this job, but I'm happy to discuss it!

Stone Junction STEM PR, Stafford

PR Account Executive: June 2018 - March 2021

This role gave me great insight into the world of public relations. It also advanced my project management skills, developed my writing and management of working relationships via email and phone. I worked with a variety of clients, from international tech conglomerates like ABB and Beckhoff, to much smaller businesses with a handful of staff.

Responsibilities revolved around researching, planning and writing media for our clients, from press releases to full 20-page white papers and even entire books, and then working with magazine and newspaper editors to get that content out into the wild.

Brown & Green Farm Shop, Trentham

Shop Supervisor / Duty Manager & Keyholder: Sept 2016 - June 2018

This role has developed my excellent customer service and team management skills, alongside problem solving, IT troubleshooting and people skills. Responsibilities include opening & closing, money handling, task distribution & staff management, customer comment & complaint management and stock ordering among other day-to-day tasks.


Keele University: Astrophysics - 2:1

October 2012 - June 2016

This fascinating degree gave me valuable skills in mathematics, problem solving, abstract, 3D and technical visualisation, programming (python, Java, FORTRAN, C++), computer simulation, electrics and electronics, statistical mechanics, solid-state mechanics, measurement and metrology, fluid dynamics, pressure and thermodynamics (including stellar structure) - alongside developing an overall hardworking and focussed attitude within me.

King Ecgberts 6th Form, Dore, Sheffield: A levels

2008 - 2012

Physics - B,

Biology - C,

Chemistry - C